BBB Workshop by Microsoft

Hey you, get out there! 

You're probably using Microsoft solutions every day but did you know they also empower healthcare nurses to spend more time on their patients? And utilize AI technology to increase the health & growth efficiency of crops? 

During this Lunch & Learn session, two trainees from Microsoft will share more on the culture and solutions that Microsoft offers. The main topic of this one-hour session is focused on story telling: How to get the attention of your audience and how to bring across your message? Meagan & Cas will share techniques on how they apply this within Microsoft and how you can use these techniques for your applications after your study. 

Get out there and join the session of Microsoft on the 18th of March between 12.30 and 13.30. The location will be announced at a later time.

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From 18 Mar, 2022, 12:30
Until 18 Mar, 2022, 13:30
Location TBD
Organisers Board 2021-2022

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