Drink & Drive (online)

Are you ready for an alcohol-infused, online 'Mario Kart'-esque showdown? Then join us for this first ever 'Drink & Drive' tournament by the EVC!
-- Credits for the original concept of Drink & Drive go to a small group of insane Thalians. Thanks for your stupidity <3 --

How does one Drink & Drive?
Traditionally, a duo would share a Wii remote + nunchuck and finish their beers as fast as they can before reaching the finish on Mario Kart Wii. Because we won't deliver you all a Wii and because sharing a remote is not corona proof, we decided to go for a (pretty decent) ripoff:

Step one:
Install https://supertuxkart.net/. It's free, it's open source, it doesn't eat your graphics, it's amazeballs. Creating an account is required to play together.

Step two:
Take a look around and try to get used to the controls. It really looks a lot like Mario Kart so it shouldn't be too hard to learn.

Step three:
Learn the rules! There are four golden rules that should always be obeyed every race:
 - You must finish a standard pub glass (20cl) of beer before the finish.
 - You may not drink in the first lap of the race.
 - When you drink, you may not have any interaction with the game. (And thus not drive!)
 - When the race is finished, you take the amount of sips corresponding to the place you finished. Finished 1st? 1 sip. Finished 12th? 12 sips!

We will make pools of around 8 people, who are going to battle each other in a Grand Prix (4 races). After every pool has finished one Grand Prix, the amount of points scored will be counted per person. After that, you will be placed in another pool, and the cycle repeats!

This is basically all you need to know for now. We will provide you with more fine details once the event comes near. 
There are prizes to be won, so make sure to sign up and prepare your best liver for the night!

See you then.
xoxo, the EVC

From 22 Apr, 2021, 20:30
Until 22 Apr, 2021, 23:59
Location Discord
Organisers Events Committee

You have to log in before you can register for this event.
