Git Workshop

The Educacie is happy to bring back to you... the Git workshop! Since last year's workshop was a success, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to organize another edition. Git is a version control system which is designed for coordinating the work between programmers cooperating on source code. Almost all companies use Git, and it will come in handy for many courses throughout your study, such as Research and Development Project in you first year. This means that you definitely do not want to miss this workshop! You will learn all the basics and the most important features, and even better, a fellow Thalian will guide you through the process. Unfortunately, due to the COVID19 pandemic, this year's workshop will be held online.


Google Meet link:

Resources link:

From 8 Feb, 2021, 12:30
Until 8 Feb, 2021, 13:30
Location Online
Organisers Educacie

You have to log in before you can register for this event.
