Borrel at De Hemel

Hello Thalians!

It is time for the first borrel of the year again. Unfortunately due to some circumstances you might have noticed lately, we can't do a proper traditional introshirtborrel, but we hope to relieve your cravings for social gathering at 1,5m distance in some way. The location is Nijmegen's own brewery: De Hemel.

Because of the current regulations of the government, there is a limited amount of spots available for this borrel, so be quick! Next to that there is a set of rules you need to follow. If you do not follow these rules, you will have to leave the borrel immediately.

- No registration means no entry to the borrel.
- You are not infected with the corona virus.
- You don't have any symptoms or are in a risk group. If you have symptoms, you can not attend.
- You will have to stay seated at all times. Standing at a table is not allowed.
- Follow all instructions from the café staff, the board and the borrelcommittee.

These rules are subject to change, please keep an eye out for changes if you have registered.

PS: First drink is on us

Kisses, CAD

From 8 Sep, 2020, 20:00
Until 8 Sep, 2020, 23:30
Location Brouwerij De Hemel
Organisers Borrel Committee "Ctrl+Alt+Delirium"

You have to log in before you can register for this event.

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Brouwerij De Hemel