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Inhouse day Alliander

Energy is essential for our welfare and prosperity. We can not heat our homes, cook, learn, communicate, keep trafic safe or operate our trains and keep our finacial sytems working. Energy makes living, working and traveling possible. Without energy everything stops.

Alliander - as parent company of the largest electricity and gas network management in the Netherlands - has the ambition to be 'data driven'. That means a lot for the digitization of the energy network in the Netherlands and the IT environment that is needed to process this data. After all, the use of data is essential for an optimally functioning energy network. In the Business Case you will experience this yourself. We close the Business Case with a nice borrel.

From 7 Nov, 2018, 13:25
Until 7 Nov, 2018, 18:00
Location Utrechtseweg 68, Arnhem
Organisers Board 2018-2019

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Utrechtseweg 68, Arnhem