Alumni Day

Once upon a time, whether that was decades ago or just last year, you studied Computing Science at the Radboud University Nijmegen. In all probability you enjoyed this time very much, just like students do these days.

We would like to invite you for the Alumni Day 2018. Last year we organized this day as a pilot and this year we decided to make it a yearly event. The Alumni Day will take place on Saterday the 26th of May. To experience today's atmosphere of computing science a bit better, we decided to organize it in the Mercator 1 building, from which the ground floor acts as the computing science hub of the university. This building is located at the Toernooiveld 200, 6525EC Nijmegen.

During this day the comparison will be drawn between present days approaches and earlier years, such that differences and similarities between years can be exchanged. More importantly, this day gives the opportunity to get in touch again with each other. Not only we (the new Thaliaan) can get in touch with you, but we also offer you the opportunity to catch up with other alumni and think back to the beautiful moments from your own time as a student. The day's program will be the following:


14:50 Start optional program (optional)

15:00 Tour Huygens Building (optional)

15:30 Showcase New Devices Lab (optional)

15:40 Entrance and reception

16:00 Several talks while enjoying a drink

17:30 Buffet

18:30 An old-fashioned theme 'borrel' (drinks)

21:30 Optional evening program

The optional program at the beginning of the day is nice if your interested in the environment where today's students follow lectures and do their practicals. The talks in the afternoon will be given by a variety of people, each from another point in computing science's history. This is an excellent opportunity to observe the contrast between old and new. Concerning the evening program, we will decide what to do on the day itself, depending on the number of interested people.

If you want to join, then send a mail before Sunday the 20th of May to Current Thaliamembers can also register via the Thalia website. If your currently a student, please indicate when registering on the website that your a student. The registration limit indicated on the website is set to limit the number of student registrations. For alumni there are no number restrictions. They can always mail when the website limit is reached. The entrance fee will be 15 euro for alumni and 10 euro for students. We, as committee, are also available via the mail address earlier mentioned for questions about this day, the study association or other matters concerning alumni.

Besides this, we will ask you to ask as many fellow students from your own time to join us, since we do not have a mail address of every single alumnus.


From 26 May, 2018, 14:50
Until 26 May, 2018, 21:30
Location Mercator 1, Toernooiveld 212, Nijmegen
Organisers Alumni Committee
Price €10.00

You have to log in before you can register for this event.

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Mercator 1, Toernooiveld 212, Nijmegen