This overview contains all courses for which Thalia has exams, summaries or other documents. Select a course to find out more.
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Course code | Name | Categories | Available documents |
NWI-IMC037 | AI in Medical Imaging | Master | 5 |
NWI-IBC035 | Academic Writing for CS | Bachelor, Computing Science | 0 |
NWI-NM048B | Advanced Machine Learning | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IMC050 | Advanced Network Security | Master | 80 |
NWI-I00032 | Advanced Programming | Computing Science, Master | 6 |
NWI-IBC027 | Algorithms and Data Structures | Bachelor, Computing Science | 333 |
NWI-IMC061 | Applied Cryptography | Master, Computing Science | 14 |
NWI-IBK008 | Architectuur in de Digitale Wereld | Bachelor, Information Sciences, Other | 2 |
NWI-IMC009 | Automated Reasoning | Computing Science, Master | 4 |
NWI-IBC033 | Bachelor Thesis (12ec) | Bachelor, Computing Science | 0 |
NWI-IMC012 | Bayesian Networks | Computing Science, Master | 32 |
NWI-IBC036 | Big Data | Computing Science, Bachelor | 56 |
NWI-NM048D | CDS: Machine Learning | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IBC017 | Calculus and Probability Theory | Bachelor, Computing Science | 58 |
NWI-IMC036 | Category Theory and Coalgebra | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IMC036 | Co-algebra | Master | 1 |
NWI-IBC016 | Combinatorics | Bachelor, Computing Science | 276 |
NWI-IMC004 | Compiler Construction | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IBC028 | Complexity | Bachelor, Computing Science | 156 |
NWI-WM072B | Complexity Theory | Computing Science, Master | 3 |
NWI-IBC003 | Computability | Bachelor, Computing Science | 30 |
NWI-IBC025 | Computation models | Bachelor, Computing Science | 6 |
NWI-WM069B | Computer Algebra | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IMC039 | Cryptographic Engineering | Computing Science, Master | 1 |
2DMI00 | Cryptographic Protocols | Computing Science, Master | 2 |
NWI-IMC063 | Cryptology | Computing Science, Master | 7 |
NWI-TRUE09 | Cyberattacks, Crime and Defenses | Computing Science, Master | 1 |
NWI-IPC034 | Data Analysis | Computing Science, Bachelor | 0 |
NWI-IBI008 | Data Mining | Bachelor, Computing Science, Information Sciences | 183 |
NWI-IPC024 | Databases | Bachelor, Computing Science | 30 |
NWI-FC0042B | Debating Sciences: Introduction to Science in Society | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-I00155 | Design of Embedded Systems | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
MAN-BKV68 | Economics of Well-being: GDP, Happiness and Beyond | Other | 1 |
NWI-FMT006A | Entrepreneurship: Making a Business Plan | Master, Other, Information Sciences | 0 |
NWI-I00035 | Foundations of Information Systems | Computing Science, Master, Information Sciences | 0 |
NWI-FC0010C | Framing Knowledge | Master, Other | 0 |
NWI-IBC040 | Functional Programming | Bachelor | 32 |
NWI-IBC029 | Functional Programming 1 | Bachelor, Computing Science | 13 |
NWI-IBC030 | Functional Programming 2 | Bachelor, Computing Science | 13 |
NWI-WP021 | Group Theory 1 | Other | 6 |
NWI-WP022 | Group Theory 2 | Other | 4 |
NWI-IPC025 | Hacking in C | Bachelor, Computing Science | 38 |
NWI-IMC001 | Hardware Security | Computing Science, Master | 1 |
NWI-I00036 | ICT and Society 1 | Bachelor, Computing Science, Information Sciences | 0 |
NWI-IPC031 | Imperative Programming | Computing Science, Bachelor | 204 |
FTR-FIMI221 | In Pursuit of Well-Being | Other | 1 |
NWI-IPC019 | Information Modelling | Bachelor, Computing Science | 6 |
NWI-I00041 | Information Retrieval | Computing Science, Information Sciences, Master, Other | 96 |
NWI-IBC020 | Information Systems | Bachelor, Computing Science | 9 |
NWI-FMT003E | Innovation Management | Master, Information Sciences | 0 |
MAN-BKV39 | Innovation Management | Bachelor, Information Sciences, Other | 0 |
NWI-IMC037 | Intelligent Systems in Medical Imaging | Computing Science, Master | 4 |
MAN-BCU019B | Intervention Methodology | Other | 1 |
SOW-BKI125 | Introduction AI for Computing Science | Computing Science, Bachelor | 40 |
NWI-IBC023 | Introduction to Cryptography | Bachelor | 95 |
SOW-BKI115A | Introduction to Robotics | Bachelor, Computing Science | 0 |
NWI-WM037C | Intuitionistic Mathematics | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
MAN-BCU322A | Knowledge Management | Bachelor, Information Sciences | 0 |
NWI-IMK012 | Knowledge Representations for Information Science | Master, Information Sciences | 2 |
NWI-FC001C | Knowledge Society | Master, Other, Information Sciences | 0 |
NWI-IPC002 | Languages and Automata | Bachelor, Computing Science | 88 |
NWI-IBC037 | Law for CS | Bachelor, Computing Science | 4 |
NWI-IMC006 | Law in Cyberspace | Master | 10 |
NWI-IBC047 | Law, Privacy & Identity | Bachelor | 4 |
NWI-IPI004 | Logic and Applications | Computing Science, Information Sciences, Bachelor | 4 |
NWI-IMC030 | Machine Learning in Practice | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IPC020 | Mathematical Structures | Bachelor, Computing Science | 82 |
NWI-IPC017 | Matrix Calculation | Bachelor, Computing Science | 157 |
NWI-FMT019 | Methods in Societal Research: Science, Management & Innovation | Master, Other | 0 |
NWI-IMC046 | Model Checking | Computing Science, Master | 4 |
NWI-IMC042 | Natural Computing | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IBC022 | Network Security | Bachelor, Computing Science | 24 |
NWI-IBC021 | Networks and Distributed Systems | Bachelor, Computing Science | 122 |
NWI-IBC048 | Networks and Security | Computing Science, Bachelor | 53 |
NWI-IBC031 | New Devices Lab | Bachelor, Computing Science | 0 |
NWI-IPI005 | Object Oriented Programming | Bachelor, Information Sciences, Computing Science | 96 |
NWI-IBK004 | Onderhandelen en Veranderen | Bachelor, Information Sciences | 2 |
NWI-IBC019 | Operating Systems | Bachelor, Computing Science | 29 |
NWI-IBC034 | Operating Systems Security | Bachelor, Computing Science | 40 |
MAN-BCU007 | Organisation Theory | Other | 1 |
NWI-IBC042 | Parallel Computing | Computing Science, Bachelor | 66 |
NWI-SM299 | Pattern Recognition for Natural Science | Master, Other | 0 |
NWI-IMI003 | Philosophy & Ethics for Computing & Information Science | Computing Science, Master, Information Sciences | 0 |
NWI-IMC068 | Physical Attacks on Secure Systems | Master | 0 |
NWI-TRUE03 | Physical aspects of Digital Security | Computing Science, Master | 2 |
NWI-FMT024 | Policy and Economics | Master, Other | 0 |
2IMS25 | Principles of Data Protection (TU/e) | Master | 4 |
NWI-I00136 | Privacy Seminar | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IBC038 | Privacy and Identity | Bachelor, Computing Science | 4 |
NWI-IPC006 | Processors | Bachelor, Computing Science | 82 |
NWI-I00139 | Proof Assistants | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IPC030 | R&D: Project | Computing Science, Bachelor | 0 |
NWI-IBI010 | Reflectie & Beroepsoriëntatie | Bachelor, Computing Science, Information Sciences | 0 |
NWI-IPC023 | Requirements Engineering | Bachelor, Computing Science | 3 |
NWI-IBI007 | Research Methods 1 | Bachelor, Computing Science, Information Sciences | 20 |
SOW-CWM4037 | Research Methods 2 | Computing Science, Master | 1 |
NWI-IMC044 | Research Seminar Data Science | Computing Science, Master | 1 |
NWI-IPC021 | Security | Bachelor, Computing Science | 596 |
NWI-IMC069 | Security and Privacy of Machine Learning | Master | 12 |
NWI-IMC053 | Security in Organizations | Computing Science, Master | 55 |
NWI-IMC065 | Selected Topics on Hardware for Security | Master, Computing Science | 1 |
NWI-IBC026 | Semantics and Correctness | Bachelor, Computing Science | 17 |
NWI-IMC011 | Semantics and Domain Theory | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IBC025 | Semantics and Rewriting | Computing Science, Bachelor | 4 |
NWI-IMI004 | Software Development Entrepeneurship | Computing Science, Master, Information Sciences | 0 |
NWI-IBI001 | Software Engineering | Bachelor, Computing Science, Information Sciences | 2 |
NWI-IMC059 | Software Product Lines | Computing Science, Master | 1 |
NWI-IMC051 | Software Security | Computing Science, Master | 12 |
NWI-IBC024 | Software Verification | Bachelor, Computing Science | 117 |
NWI-IMC056 | Statistical Machine Learning | Computing Science, Master | 2 |
NWI-IMC043 | System Development | Computing Science, Master | 0 |
NWI-IMC021 | System Development Management | Master, Information Sciences | 0 |
MAN-BCU321 | System Theory | Bachelor, Information Sciences, Other | 27 |
NWI-I00110 | Testing Techniques | Computing Science, Master | 5 |
LET-REMA-LCEX06 | Text and Multimedia Mining | Computing Science, Master | 4 |
SOW-PSB2SP90E | The Psychology of Happiness | Other | 1 |
NWI-IMC010 | Type Theory and Coq | Computing Science, Master | 4 |
2IF02 | Verification of Security Protocols (TU/e) | Computing Science, Master | 24 |
NWI-IPC026 | Web Security | Bachelor, Computing Science | 45 |